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Have you thought about including AFP Legacy in your Will?

Leaving a bequest makes a world of difference to future generations of AFP families who suffer through incapacity, major illness or the loss of life.

There are three main types of bequests that you can make to AFP Legacy in your Will:

  1. Pecuniary: A specific dollar amount, a life insurance policy or a percentage of real estate.
  2. Property: Real estate, shares, bonds or other particular items of value.
  3. Residue: The remainder of an estate after you have provided specific items and amounts.


AFP Legacy is a registered charity and relies entirely upon the generosity of giving, to deliver its compassion and wellbeing services. Any size of bequest of any type is most gratefully accepted by AFP Legacy.

If you would like to make a bequest to AFP Legacy, we suggest you consult your Solicitor and our FAQ’s for further information.

If you would like to contact AFP Legacy for more information about leaving a bequest please contact


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